REKNOW GmbH & Co. KG is an internationally active company based in the City of Hamburg/Germany.

With EMM-Check®, REKNOW provides a software for visibility field analysis of virtual commercial vehicles, which is used worldwide by all well-known manufacturers of earthmoving machinery, agricultural vehicles, industrial trucks, municipal vehicles and protected vehicles. Producers of working lights and attachments use EMM-Check® as well as service companies in the design and development sector.

REKNOW also develops customer-specific software solutions for industrial customers - starting with requirements analysis, through conceptual design to implementation, maintenance and support.

Our Philosophy

With the founding of REKNOW in 2008 it was about more than just the economic success of the company.
From the very beginning, people have been the focus of our thoughts and actions. To always perceive our employees as human beings, to know his or her needs and their strengths is the guideline of our actions and the basis of the company success. REKNOW contributes to this with innovative products, avoiding accidents caused by commercial vehicles and prevent human suffering.

We share this success with all those who, through their work, their cooperation and their confidence in our products and services build the basis for the further positive development of our company.